Savage Edition (EDS)

The Savage Edition (EDS) of Earthdawn is for use with Pinnacle Entertainment Group's popular Savage Worlds game.

Earthdawn Player's Guide (EDS)

The Earthdawn Player's Guideā„¢ (Savage Worlds Edition) contains what every Savage Worlds player needs to create one of these brave heroes and help rekindle the glory of days past, including new races, gear, spells, Edges, and rules for...
Earthdawn Player's Guide (EDS)
Sale: $10.79
Save: 40% off
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Max: 1

Earthdawn Game Master's Guide (EDS)

A LAND OF WONDROUS BEAUTY AND UNSPEAKABLE EVIL......When the Wizards proclaimed that the Scourge had ended, Jaro, I, and three others broke open the seals on the doors and walked outside. We hoped to find a new world brimming with life....
Earthdawn Game Master's Guide (EDS)
Sale: $10.79
Save: 40% off
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Denizens of Barsaive Vol. 1 (EDS)

THE NAMEGIVERSThe eight Namegiving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs, but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land...
Denizens of Barsaive Vol. 1 (EDS)
Sale: $8.99
Save: 40% off
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Max: 1

Denizens of Barsaive Vol. 2 (EDS)

THE NAMEGIVERSThe eight Namegiving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs, but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land...
Denizens of Barsaive Vol. 2 (EDS)
Sale: $8.99
Save: 40% off
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Max: 1

Creatures of Barsaive (EDS)

FEARSOME AND FASCINATING! "The contents of this book have been transcribed from the speaking of Vasdenjas, a most noble and intelligent dragon. I have written down his words almost without alteration, as I found his rambling style of...
Creatures of Barsaive (EDS)
Sale: $7.19
Save: 40% off
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Max: 1

Specials  [more]

Path of Glory (BTF) [Softcover]
Path of Glory (BTF) [Softcover]
$5.99  $3.00
Save: 50% off
Roar of Honor (MWF) [Softcover]
Roar of Honor (MWF) [Softcover]
$5.99  $3.00
Save: 50% off
By Blood Betrayed (MWF) [Softcover]
By Blood Betrayed (MWF) [Softcover]
$5.99  $3.00
Save: 50% off



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