Second Edition (ED2)


Earthdawn Rulebook (ED2)

Before science, before history, there was an Age of Legend - and Legends never truly die... For years, the Name-givers - those races gifted with the ability to Name, and shape the very magic of the world - were forced to live in...
Earthdawn Rulebook (ED2)
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Earthdawn Companion (ED2)

During the Scourge, the Horrors ravaged the world unchecked while we were forced to hide in the magical citadels and kaers. It was only through the magical traditions passed down from generation to generation that we were able to face...
Earthdawn Companion (ED2)
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Barsaive In Chaos (ED2)

THE WAR IS OVER The forces of Thera have been pushed from Barsaive's borders. But what of the aftermath? The Denairastas family holds Jerris in its iron grip. The orks of Cara Fahd continue to struggle as its tribes strive to become a...
Barsaive In Chaos (ED2)
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Gamemaster's Screen (ED2)

They lie in wait across from you, daring you to make one mistake, ready to descend at the slightest hint of weakness... Players. The only thing that stands between you and them is a quality piece of cardboard. Perhaps the adventure it came...
Gamemaster's Screen (ED2)
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Scourge Unending (ED2)

The war is over. The Therans have been removed from Barsaive. Everything should be fine now, right? That couldn't be further from the truth. The Horrors are still out there, and their threat is ever-present. Scourge Unending is a...
Scourge Unending (ED2)
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Way Of War (ED2)

ATTACK! Adepts are the heroes and legends of Earthdawn, fighting to reclaim their Scourge-ravaged land with the magic they yield. Some of these Adepts find their path defined by conflict and blood, a path known to some as the Way of War....
Way Of War (ED2)
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The Book Of Dragons (ED2)

"We are dragons, the first and most ancient Name-givers, the only ones to Name ourselves. Ours is a heritage of magic, power, and prestige, but it is also a heavy burden of responsibility and guilt--yes, guilt for what we in our...
The Book Of Dragons (ED2)
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Wanderer's Way (ED2)

RECOVERY Adepts are the heroes and legends of Earthdawn, striving to reclaim their Scourge-ravaged land with the magic only they wield. Some of these Adepts find in their wanderings that they are defined not only by their Discipline, but...
Wanderer's Way (ED2)
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