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Arcane Tech (FS2)
With the fall of the Second Republic, Science and Technology were brought low. The Church claims that these former monuments of human genius eclipsed the grace of the Pancreator with hubris, that humanity must worship but one god and not...
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Church Fiefs: Imperial Survey Vol. 7 (FS2)
Emperor Alexius has sent his Questing Knights forth to bring back reports from all quarters of the Known Worlds on the state of his empire. This volume surveys the Church Fiefs -- home to the Priests of the Celestial Sun. While the Church...
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Fading Suns Rulebook (Second Edition, Revised) (FS2)
NoblesPriestsAliensKnights It is the dawn of the sixth millennium and the skies are darkening, for the suns themselves are fading. Humans reached the stars long ago, building a Republic of high technology and universal emancipation—and...
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Fading Suns Shards Collection Volume One (FS2)
A ROAD SO DARK In this adventure, the characters research a previously unknown night road between Leagueheim and Grail, following a trail of evidence to an artifact invaluable to their employer... KRAKEN'S LOOM In this adventure, the...
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Earthdawn Player's Guide (EDR)
THE AGE OF LEGEND Before science, before history, an era of magic existed in our world’s dim past. Magic flowed freely, touching every aspect of the lives of men and women of the Namegiver races. It was an age of heroes, an age of...
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Earthdawn Game Master's Guide (EDS)
A LAND OF WONDROUS BEAUTY AND UNSPEAKABLE EVIL......When the Wizards proclaimed that the Scourge had ended, Jaro, I, and three others broke open the seals on the doors and walked outside. We hoped to find a new world brimming with life....
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Denizens of Barsaive Vol. 1 (EDS)
THE NAMEGIVERSThe eight Namegiving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs, but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land...
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Denizens of Barsaive Vol. 2 (EDS)
THE NAMEGIVERSThe eight Namegiving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs, but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land...
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Creatures of Barsaive (EDS)
FEARSOME AND FASCINATING! "The contents of this book have been transcribed from the speaking of Vasdenjas, a most noble and intelligent dragon. I have written down his words almost without alteration, as I found his rambling style of...
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Earthdawn Player's Compendium (EDC)
THE AGE OF LEGEND Before science, before history, an era of magic existed in our world's dim past. Magic flowed freely, touching every aspect of the lives of men and women of the Name-giver races. It was an age of heroes; an age of...
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