1879 Miniatures Wargame Corebook

  • Model: FAS51100
  • Manufactured by: FASA Games, Inc.

Starting at: $20.95

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The Suns Never Set on the British Empire!

On the far side of an interdimensional portal from Earth, Victorian-era British troops with steampunk vehicles face off against Babylonian descendants with weird-science technological zombies!  In the war of coal and steam against rail guns and undead, who will win?  That's for you to decide!

FASA Games, Inc., presents the 1879 Miniatures Core Rulebook. This volume contains the combat rules, model and unit build mechanics, and basic Order of Battle for the British and Samsut. Together with miniatures from Ral Partha Europe, this book gives you what you need to win the war for control of the Grosvenor Land.

Tally ho!

1879 Miniatures Core Rulebook
Format:  6" x 9"
320 B&W pages

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 13 June, 2015.

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